Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The World s Advancement Of The Beauty Industry - 2455 Words

In specifically America, the desire to be considered beautiful has taken over the lives of many individuals. The aspiration to be perfect comes from the immense pressure put on women by society. Individuals are trying to avoid the aging process by getting multiple plastic surgeries done in order to stay  ¨beautiful ¨ and  ¨young ¨. But does being beautiful mean that one has to alter the natural way they appear into something one is not? In our society today, this may perhaps prove to be valid. Everyday an ordinary person sees beautiful faces placed on billboards, magazine covers, television and the media. Even though in most cases photoshop is involved to alter one s physical looks, women, young or old, feel discouraged and form a drive to†¦show more content†¦Due to this fact, many women in Connecticut are seeking alternatives. Instead of paying a lot of money for professional surgery, they are getting the procedures done in hotel rooms and traveling out of the coun try. (Walker). However, this is very dangerous in numerous ways since it can cause major health problems. Doctors may not follow safety precautions such as reusing needles which could spread HIV, Hepatitis and other diseases. Although surgery alters one’s appearance, it can be very helpful for those who would like to transition from their original gender to the one they feel like they identify with. Samantha, who was originally a man but now a woman, shares her story of how plastic surgery helped her transition. When she was just 18 years old, she traveled from Connecticut to Colombia to get breast implants and a nose job. Afterwards, she went to Mexico where she got injections to plump her bottom. These instances where Samantha got cosmetic procedures were not safe since they were done in a different country and in unsafe places, such as hotels.(Walker). Samantha put her life into the hands of individuals whose credentials she had not verified. If by chance something took a wrong turn during the procedure, the clinic did not have any equipment to properly help her. However, the only reason Samantha chose this path instead of going to a safe hospital was because she could not afford it. Samantha states, â€Å"It’s always about saving money† but

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